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Messy day today as The Boss had Seniornet to look after this morning and the afternoon just seem to kinda disappear. The growth of ipads in Wanaka SeniorNet is amazing and The Boss did a demo of "find my iThing" and rang a bell on his phone remotely, with the story being finished off by "X" who is a Justice of the peace, announcing that she had issued her first search warrant for an iPhone based on the "Find my iPhone app" here in Wanaka. You would think that the opportunistic crooks would know better than to steal these but I suppose if they knew better they would not be crims in the first place.
There is an App called "Lockout" and The Boss had this article that in the USA $7 million worth of mobile phones are lost every day by Lockout users alone. And that Americans on average lose a phone a year. WOW...I have never lost anything that I didn't want to find but then again what can a dog lose? I have this fancy chippy thing that will even tell folk where I live stuck in me somewhere. So I can even lose my collar (Not my really nice Bethane one) and I still couldn't really hide. Sort of a comfort really. The Boss says that his DNA is a bit like this. I think that stands for Do Not Adjust and I certainly would not want The Boss adjusted...I like him as is.
The Bossess said "No Comment" just like really important business folk do so I guess that makes her important too. Very confusing all this...I think I will have a lie down.
OH OH The picture. The Boss was heading round to My Friends Peter's place tonight and although he already had a blip he saw this grrreat sunset and grabbed it instead. The building is a shelter with a table and seats and there are a number of them along the lakefront.
That's the way Blip works sometimes Eh?
Have a seat...Have a bigger look.
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