The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Peaked Too Early

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy (licking my face): “MORNING!”

Me: “Oh great, it’s before 6 am. Again.”

Murphy: “I. Am. Starving. Please can we go downstairs? Please? Please? I am weak with hunger. I am such a good boy that I used up the last of my energy licking your face clean.”

Me: “FFS”

Half an hour later, (after Murphy had been fed and walked round the garden), I decided to jump in the shower. Murphy normally waits outside the bathroom for me but there was no sign of him when I came out.

Because he was fast asleep. IN MY BED!

Me: “I’m going downstairs. Are you coming Murphy?”

Murphy (barely owning one eye): “I think I’m going to catch another hour. You got up FAR too early. I’m exhausted. Also you took up way too much of the bed last night.”

Me: “I was squashed right to the edge.”

Murphy: “Shhh, can you keep the noise down?”

Me: “FFS”


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