And He’s Off

Lockdown presents different problems for different people. Joshua, a Sapper in the Royal Engineers, is home on leave from Kinloss in Scotland. That’s where his computer, games console, hi tech coffee machine etc are, gone are the days of Spartan, shared accommodation in the military so he’s around 700 miles from most of his belongings.
At home, in the current situation, there’s little for him to do, walks with Dad ‘n’ Dog are not exactly a rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong, he enjoys his time at home, having a beer isn’t the be all and end all but a bit of different company would make a difference.
So at 3:30 am, I got up, made him a coffee and he headed off back to where his mates are, his belongings are and where he can keep busy.
I’ll miss him, the company, the chats over a beer, and ‘walking & talking’ with the new pup.
Sam will miss him, someone closer to her own age to chat to and share her thoughts, sister and brother have become closer over the years.
And of course Mum will miss her ‘baby’ , waiting on buttons to finish his latest BBQ shirt, laughing and joking together in her sewing room.
Paddy has only known him for a little under two weeks but Paddy has a ‘thing’ for Josh so he’ll miss him as well.
We will all miss him.

And talking of missing people, my father died 13 years ago, I think about him often and miss him a great deal.

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