Move Over

Not entirely sure about the green hair, it’s grown on me, not literally, since it started to fade from the original vibrant emerald green.
Samantha is the family anarchist, slightly left wing, vegan, environmentalist, intelligent, articulate, inquisitive and with an opinion on everything but she has that rare quality, she will listen to other people’s opinions and discuss it.
Sam has adopted Paddy, although that may be the other way round hence the tight squeeze into the arm chair. In the photo Sam is probably looking for more dog ‘stuff’, he is definitely spoilt but why not.

Up and over the rugby club again, this time for nine hours on a first aid course, that brings the total this week up to sixteen hours. I quite enjoyed the course as a refresher, I have been first aid trained for over forty years and used it in anger, multiple stabbing in Truro but that’s a story for another day.
Some interesting points of view today my favourite being;
“If this is an RFU rugby first aid course why am I learning about burns?”
On being asked if his club had a kitchen it was quiet for a moment before he replied “yeah but I’m not the cook”!!

My main contribution to the day was to tell the story of how ‘Resuscitation Annie’ supposedly got her face. The story goes that the body of an unidentified French lady was pulled from the Seine in the late 1800’s. She had no identification and could not be identified so they made a death mask and displayed it in the morticians window in the hope that someone would recognise her, the window with the death mask in it became one of the most visited spots in Paris.
As time passed with no identification the death mask was moved to a shelf in the main office where it could be seen. The mortician developed his business into a company and diversified into other trades.
Move forward to the development of ‘Resuscitation Annie’, the manufacturers were looking for an appealing face that wasn’t going to cost them a fortune in image rights to use. Up stepped the company descended from the mortician they remembered the unidentified death mask, still on the shelf, the mould was made and hence Resuscitation Annie came into being.

And that is how a drowned French lady of the 1800’s had the most kissed lips in the world.

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