
It rained most of the day and will continue to. I will probably lose blip friends if I keep posting pictures of slugs and snakes and now worms. 

British cop shows are better than American ones, but boy Unforgotten Season 1 is emotionally brutal. 

Infrastructure plan to upgrade and build new schools:  $50B with an additional $50b funded by bonds. The plans include air quality, ventilation, kitchens, and science labs. I don't have kids and I'm not a school teacher, so I can't speak about this intelligently. I'm a bit dismayed that so many classrooms near my home are trailers. 

In the US we fund our schools mostly with local money, so rich communities have great schools and poor communities....don't. 

Last year the Government Accountability Office said that 41% of school districts need to update or replace heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in at least half their schools. Air conditioning? My school in Missouri didn't have air conditioning. That has not been remedied and is not uncommon: Test scores are absolutely impacted by the heat and the world has only gotten hotter over the intervening decades. 

Based on this article, it doesn't sound like $100B is enough:    That said, presumably there was money in the Covid bill for schools to help them upgrade systems so they could reopen safely and there will be more money for schools in the regular budget bill. 

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