transmission only mode..

By Mobius


..the oldest gravestone (in terms of visible date) I've seen at The Minster; 1620. In a very prominent place, but I'd not looked at it properly before.

Had another last session today on another Footsteps arranged program, Ten Footsteps (to live well with pain). At least one pure academic  (I think) was  part of the team leading the course from Newcastle  or Durham University. As usual I gained a different perspective on things and captured some snappy phrases and ideas but top of the list was a single word that I guess has been used in her academic papers, lectures etc.....

"Must-a-bation" - WTF!

It was used to describe the concept that modern man is not very good and stopping occasionally, even briefly, to take stock of what they are doing, their environment and how they feel etc - which is very true in my experience.

Good news (hopefully)!
Although I've had to rest early afternoon this week as I mostly do, it dawned on me today, that I haven't been able to effortlessly fall asleep as I previously could, which I interpret as progress. There again it could my invigoration from all the bright sunny spells that we've been having recently.

I'm in part pleased that all my concurrent programs have now concluded, apart from a final session on another. I'm more than ready for a rest and to re-visit the programs content at my leisure.

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