
By HeartFreek

Hands on her Heart

Day 66

What a stupidly busy hectic mad day that was! Left the house at 7.15am, home by 7.15pm with another 2 hours report writing on top of that!!

But, it was very interesting. I had to go to a Specialist Heart Hospital in London today and got to see the workings of this littles ones Heart. The staff are truely amazing and oh so knowledgeable, its impressive.

The only downside to London is the parking!!! No spaces at the hosptial, no spaces in the closest car park to the hospital, and the next closest was a mile away. So I carried this little one and her gubbins 2 whole miles!!! I had to stop in a sofa shop tho, to lay her down so I could do up my boot laces!!! Then, the car park was £21.50 for the 3.15 hours I was there!!! He's making a good earner isn't he!! Well, I was in Kensington I suppose.

So heres my blip for today. Shes holding on to her heart, just like she was crossing her fingers here.

Miserable rainy day and temperature dropping - again!!! Only 11 degrees today.

Time for bed said Zebedee!! Once the reports are done said Mr W!!!


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