A Highland Cow in progress for Hunty

I started my new 24x24 inch painting today for Nora's little brother, great nephew Hunter. Three and a half hours work has left me tired but happy. It's going to be a lot of fun. When the underpainting goes well it's exciting.

In the extras you can see my first sketches on the canvas this morning this morning. 'Cream', Nora's painting, is there too, drying. Titanium white takes forever to dry so that it's possible hang it. It can't be varnished for quite a while.

For the Record, 
This day came in stormy. Luckily we have had just heavy rain, sleet and just a minute or two of very wet snow. The wind is blowing a gale and it's very nasty out, but not white!

All hands wary, but relived that I'm fully vaccinated and T halfway there.

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