Flora & Fauna
We were out doing some errands and picking up some flowers at Cross Street Flower Farm to drop off for some friends this afternoon. As we were walking into the old barn where the shop is set up, T saw a small brown bat on the ground. He seemed fine, but perhaps a bit dazed. The wind was blustery and wild today and we realized that he had been tucked under a cedar shingle on the barn. The shingle took to the air and he landed on the ground. We carefully got him back on the shingle with the help of a stick, he was hissing all the time and I saw his scary little teeth. They can carry rabies, so we were very careful. I carried him out behind the barn and tucked him in a cavity in the old tree. We checked when we left the little shop and he had made his way further up the tree and looked fine.
The shop had fancy daffies showcased and lots of lovely gardening things and books for sale. After we left there we passed this gorgeous stretch of daffodils along a long stonewall and on the other side of the road in Halifax, what a sight! Lots of spring flowering trees are beginning to bloom everywhere. We also saw so many Ukrainian flags blowing proudly in the wind in all the surrounding towns.
For the Record,
This day came in with clouds and sun and strong winds. The cortisone shot I had yesterday in my big toe was a miracle, such relief from the arthritis pain and bone spur.
All hands begging for PEACE
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