The Drains
I took a picture today but when I looked I realised it wasn't pleasant.
So last night the drains refused to cope any more. I phoned someone 1st thing and they cane out this afternoon. He fished out a bucket load of wipes. As soon as they were out everything was fine. Omg! So my pockets are empty yet again.
Z contacted the nurse about a, suspected sore on her. They came and looked and took a swab but thought it was probably ok. It's not a pressure sore as such it's more of a rubbed sore from the pads. Unpleasant enough.
Carol very confused today talking about horses. Starting to think she may have a UTI but we'll wait til Monday to get it checked.
C did some walking again and did well.
Thanks for calling in and leaving your messages which are always gratefully recieved
Stay safe
- 14
- 0
- Huawei CLT-L09
- 1/33
- f/1.8
- 6mm
- 250
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