A mini moo .....
Dry and sunny again - will take badly when the weather eventually does change !
The usual Friday routine , one on mucking out , one on bedding.
Spent the day spreading fertiliser on grass fields to try and make it grow as the woolly maggots are eating it as quick as it appears since these frosty mornings started.
Stopped mid afternoon to draw out and clip 6 heifers to take to the mart on Monday. Clipped their bellies now that I can bend down a bit better and spent a fair bit of time combing off the clarts elsewhere. They need to be clean to go to slaughter , and if I don’t clip them it would cost me money to get the mart to do it .
Spread another load of fert tonight . Had Littlemiss , a collie and a terrier for company, so not a lot of room left in the cab.
Spotted a lamb with a bucket stuck round its body by the handle. Both of us gave chase to try and catch it but it could still run a lot faster than either of us. Luckily the bucket eventually fell off ! It was a plastic 5 litre paint can , so how that got into the middle of a 40 acre field I have no idea. Other things we lifted were 2 empty coke cans , a burst helium balloon and another full one wishing someone a happy 60th birthday. Just the things to choke a beast.
And another of my cows calved tonight. The calf was just up and in sucking when I got there. Just as well as mummy is another one to view from a social distance when she calves !
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