
By Farmerboab

B4 and Black Bull Calf.....

When I fed the outside cows this morning I managed to walk this cow and calf that calved last night through the gate into the banking , despite mummy doing her” pawing the ground like a bull looking for a fight “ thing. When I checked them all again tonight the calf was in sucking a front tit quite happy so will leave them well alone.
A day of the usual , bagging up feed , going next door for more silage etc. Let Littlemiss drive the tractor down the farm road , she’s getting the hang of it quite well now.
Had to go next door tonight to help wee brother bring in a cow with a calf that hadn’t sucked. Littlemiss managed to drive the bike while we chased the cow when she wasn’t fussed about following her calf in the trailer . I’m getting too old for this running lark .
Still as many socially distant cyclists roaming the country roads thinking Lycra makes them immune !

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