River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Potatoes & Comfrey & Dandelions

Another beautiful day, after waking to frost on our neighbours roofs.
Potted on a dozen of the largest tomato plants and large tray of Cosmos. Cosmos are in the greenhouse with a cover over them at night time. Tomatoes still in the house on a sunny windowsill.
After all the fatalities of Siskins the last few days (very upsetting), MrD and I moved the sunflower seed feeders onto the pear tree - away from the living room window which seems to be confusing the little birds when the sun is shining on it.
MrD went for a ride on his bicycle, along the road then turning to the next village from us - he was tired afterwards!
Blip friend Ceridwen asked about the tubs which I used for my potatoes, they're heavy duty woven plastic bags which I've had for years. We buy winter potatoes by the sackfull at the market, I save the sacks, they're very thick paper and have 2 layers, folding the tops down for even more layers! Adding grass cuttings for warmth (as they decompose) some protection from frost and provide organic nutrients along with the homemade compost. As the tops grow I'll mulch with compost and more grass cuttings.
Two house martins flying overhead this evening.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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