Life In Wales

By KarenC

Another Farewell

My day started with a workout on the cross trainer, followed by cleaning the house, and once I’d showered I made brunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Alan mowed the grass, and then we put up the new garden gazebo in readiness of our friends Sandra, Lu and their daughter Nieve arriving this afternoon.

The gazebo was a great idea as although it was a lovely day, there was a north wind coming across the fields which would have made it chilly, so it meant we could still sit outside but we were nice and sheltered. We fitted three of the four sides, so it was very well ventilated. They arrived just before 3pm and we had a lovely afternoon, I’d done a selection of nibbles and had wine, beer and Prosecco. Sandra and Lu have just bought a caravan, so plans have been made for them to come to Wales in the summer. They really want to climb Snowdon but this would be a bit much for 5 year old Nieve, so I’ve said I’ll take her up on the train and we’ll meet them at the top.

After they left, Alan dismantled the gazebo and we tidied everything away, had dinner and then I fell asleep in the Palace - must have been all the sunshine, hic!

I was really pleased to have been featured in the Blip Community today, thank you so much!

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