Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Jo takes her son to rugby training, he is in the same year group as our elder grandson, I was fortunate to get her permission to take her picture this morning. She is a keen surf boat rower and I believe is also a member of a Gig boat crew. Gigs were originally used to take Pilots out to returning sailing ships. Competition between boats and pilots was intense, first come, first employed. 

This morning’s rugby was good but I enjoyed the Craic while the boys got on with knocking each other about. There is something rather special about like minded folk and well mannered youth sport. Only one more week of the season left then the long haul to the Autumn. The boys have really missed the inter-club matches. Hopefully by September we can all get back to the normal schedule and revisit old friends. “Falmike’s” bunch had better standby!!

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