Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Holiday rentals....

Since installing this bird house we have raised four Robin chicks, about eight years ago. Not exactly an impressive record. 
Desperate phone calls requesting bookings for our “chalet” with en-suite, conservatory and internet have been pouring in, rather like the rain that comes through the organically decomposed roof. Unable to accept card payments we have had to cancel any reservations, the sign remains the only working item on the inventory. 

The following may raise a small smile. Imagine, if you will, a small man, grey haired, wrapped up in an overcoat, on his knees before a gravestone in a cemetery. He grasps his hands together, bows and wails, 
“Why? Why did you leave us? You were such a strong, caring person. Now what will I do? Where will I go for the support I needed? You were so good for me; I am unsure I can go on.”

A passing stranger paused in his walk and asked, “Are you going to be alright? Who was it?”

He looked up, tears streaming down his cheeks, “My wife’s first husband.”

I apologise for a lack of replies to your comments about Jo. Unfortunately my bug has swiped me off the planet and the brain thingy is not working properly. 

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