
By Nettenet


We washed the cars this morning and then showered to get ready for an afternoon of socialising.

We had been invited over to our friends J & S and the weather was a lot warmer today for us to sit in the garden and actually get a little colour to our exposed skin.

Sim also dropped by as he and James, their eldest, were meeting some old school friends for a catch up. Then their middle son and his girlfriend came by. They moved out yesterday and had come to pick up some more stuff. 

J & S were also doggy sitting James dog, Logan. J absolutely adores him and loves him coming over. He has certainly grown since I last saw him.

All was going so well until James went out the front of the house to help his brother and Logan followed. J told James to not let Logan go but he said he’ll be ok. She went out too and was apparently trying to hold him but he was too strong and bouncy thinking it was a game. Sitting in the back garden I just heard J screaming about a car then you heard the brakes and a thud. Mr C, S and Sim shot up. I covered my ears and sat for a minute before following them out.

Poor J was beside herself and kept saying it was her fault because she had let him go. She apologised to the driver and then James and J took him straight to the vets.

We helped clear the table and sat chatting to S for a while before heading home. J rang once I was home. At the moment they don’t think anything is broken. He is in shock and they will keep him in for observation and if anything else comes up overnight they will investigate as and when rather than put him through the stress of having things done whilst he’s in shock. We are keeping everything crossed that he’s had a lucky escape but the next 24 hours will be worrying.

Update ~ J rang just after I had uploaded my blip. The vet said tests they have carried out so far are not showing any signs of internal bleeding. He is on a drip being made comfortable and getting lots of cuddles. They will not contact James anymore this evening unless they have to. Fingers crossed all will be well.

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