Boring Blip alert!

My daddy gave me this small, child's chair when DN1 was born..... 30 years ago. I have managed to keep hold of it after a divorce and several house moves which is surprising as I managed to get very little from the 6 bedroomed house we had!!

Anyway, its helped with decorating, getting things off shelves, its been a bathroom chair and a spare Christmas chair. Its as solid as a rock and only has some dog damage to one of the bits under the seat.

I spent hours sanding it today ready to give to DN1 when her baby comes. I was going to paint it grey or cream but I'm in a bit of a dilemma about it, thinking maybe it should stay woody..... should have thought about that before I put white filler on it!!!!!

After walkies and a shower to remove the sanding dust, I took Bella to go and see DN2's garden renovation. They are doing really well and it's going to look amazing. Bella wasn't too happy with the massive German Shepherd next door..... her barking is getting worse. But did manage a happy waggy tail to Nero her cat from the other side of the door!! Shes not seen her for quite a while.

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