It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Out of Town

It's been a really weird week in which I've been a bit anxious and gone inside my own head to try to balance myself out a little. Everything from a lot going on at work to being stuck in the city has got to me. I'm ok when I'm like that. Experience tells me that when I hit a trough, then I know I'll come out of it soon enough. It's probably harder for others to cope with me than it is to cope with myself.

But we're starting to emerge from lockdown. Rosemary & Izzy had planned a swim-run at Seacliffe. I wasn't going to go, as I had an important coaching 'thing' going on today. But I decided that all I needed was to have my mobile phone, 'just in case'. I needed my phone!

But the day was a fun one. My first shot, my extra one today was nearly ruined. I had it all composed, filters on and I was about to press the shutter when Rosemary & Izzy appeared, about to run across the sand. I screamed 'stop' as well as multiple shades of profane blue murder. Footprints were prevented. We were only the 2nd car at Seacliffe and the pristine was soon to be covered in human and dog footprints.

The ladies headed off to do their thing and I went for a very slow walk. It's a stunning place, especially in spring. I still had to deal with a few coach things, but seeing the nesting kittiwakes, a few reed buntings and being in the sea air blew my mental malaise away. I was happy again.

It was so nice to be somewhere that was colonised by mostly nature, rather than cars and humans. Just sitting in the grass watching a reed bunting on a fence, singing it's little heart out and the kittiwakes squawking  & preening each other made me feel calm. 

By the time I got back to the beach, it was busy and not great for taking pictures. But I had to balance my thoughts about wanting the place to myself with the fact that everyone else was equally entitled to be there. 

I didn't have to wait too long on Rosemary & Izzy. We then headed to Drift at Tantallon for lunch. I was starving, their veggie sausage rolls & soup hitting the spot perfectly. I still needed toast when we got home though.

After chilling out for a few hours, I got my trainers on and smashed out a fast 11-km. That cleared the remaining cobwebs. Rosemary was exhausted, and we were both hungry. It was a very close call in ordering in pizza, but luckily I had bread proving whilst I was out running. This was quickly requisitioned for homemade pizza bases and I think I managed to get yummy pizzas done within 30-mins. A good end to the day.  

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