
By HarryJ

It was my turn

Before noon, it was a typical fry up for Sunday breakfast and more work outside getting the yard ready for what we hope will be a terrific summer.
Then it was off to get my prick/jab/vaccination. All very well organized with a total time from arrive to depart of 45 minutes, most of which was filling in forms, and taking the mandatory 15 minutes rest after the jab. I had wanted to grab a photo of it but photography was not allowed so I took this while waiting for my 15 minutes to pass.
They must know that things might happen because as I was leaving the building,  someone was being loaded into an ambulance. Luckily, the ambulance attendants didn't seem overly stressed about the situation.

Then it was home for dinner and to watch the 'Caps open their new season with a somewhat undeserved1-0 win over rivals Portland. But, there's no pictures on the scoreboard, only points.

Later, I felt shivery with a mild headache, let's hope it doesn't last too long.

Ah well...

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