Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Look who I found hiding in my loft

I have a loft full of neglected vinyl records.

When I say neglected, should I be saying forgotten?

It's not that I have actually forgotten that I had any of the records but as pick up each one this morning I am remembering another lifetime.

So many of the records have a story - about where I bought them, who I was with or who I listened to them with. Most of them have not been touched for around 15 years since they were 'stored' in the loft.

All this has been prompted by meeting an old friend who I hadn't seen since 1980 - we have met up a couple of times in the last few weeks and he has helped jog my memory on a few things. In the preceeding decade he had been witness and fellow enthusiast for the music. He even has some records that used to be mine. I had a nasty period of trading them at one time which means that some of my forgotten records may not be in the loft :-(

The collection really is Abba to Zappa but not stored in any order at all which is making it great fun to look through.

There is a mountain of blues records up there and this one is the one I have just picked up ....

Side 1 Track 1

I'm Ready.

Yes I'm ready, ready to do some time-travelling through the day

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