Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Satisfaction guaranteed and achieved.........

Talpa asked if there was any chance of a picture of me in my Coveted Green Beret, or CGB as they are known in the jargon, found it, hope it's what he wanted.
We had a hedge bordering our property which has been annoying me for yonks. One chainsaw on an extended pole, two litres of stump killer and then this morning the coup de grace - the leveller. Mrs Booty rushed off to Cornwall Farmers and asked for an axe and a new chainsaw blade, cue sideways looks from the assistants. She could have a 5lb, 6lb or 7 lb axe, so here I am with the stump splitter. What fun. I've always wanted a real axe, the first time I hit a stump I uttered a wee sweary word as the axe went straight down it into the earth, yippeeeee.

The little dipstick who lives on the other side will shortly be sans hedge as well. My mega drill bit wandered sideways into his side of the privets then some absolute doomer with stump killer went and painted the holes before plugging them with earth. Some people are just so BAD!

Happiness all round. Mrs Booty will be happy soon as Mr JazzyB will be putting up her new fence and I'm grinning like a ......well you know what I mean because I've achieved what I wanted against all the odds and JazzyB has come up trumps with the choccy brownies she promised. Mwah mwah, she is a star.

Group hug, apologies for the sweaty armpits. :-(((

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