Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

The Garden Fairy makes a second appearance

For the second time this year the garden fairy has lurched from her gin soaked chair, dressed rapidly in the shed and gone about her ruminations. Yesterday she was presented with her new Easter Bonnet, care of the nice folk from Tilley.

I used fly fishing to keep my mind straight, I would immerse myself, no pun intended, mentally and totally in what I was doing. All my problems would disappear in seconds. Elaine is the same in her garden. When the building work is finished and her new walls are complete she will be starting to plant from scratch. It will be her own creation and something she has wanted for a long time; although I'm a terrible terrible back seat passenger I must keep my large yap shut and let her get on with it.

So her latest plants have been placed in pots, ready for planting on. I have made bread, she will prepare lunch then it's rugby!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend, if you are lucky enough to see the sun get out there and enjoy it. :-)) Just spotted a lone bee wandering around the Rosemary flowers. Joy.

Mrs JazzyB made some wonderful choccy brownies yesterday, gave me a stick insect for repatriation this morning (sorry about the nakedness under the dressing gown dwahling) then allowed us to put our rubbish in her empty skip. Now that's what neighbours are for!

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