
By kettwigefrau

Birds and bees

I've blipped this arrogant, vain beast before, Feb 15 to be exact.

I was walking with a friend (a lapsed blipper) and Logan (of course, I don't see the point of a walk without a dog, especially when one has a dog) and the two swans were in the middle of the river, we stopped to admire them from afar and they came right over, not even scared away by the daft dog who got his fat head in the first few shots.

I don't know if the bird is just a complete tart and needs to be photographed to boost his ego, or whether he's used to people feeding him, either way he makes for a great subject. And this is definitely the male of the pair, the other bird had a much slimmer neck, far more feminine, she also couldn't couldn't be bothered with the posing, leaving that to her show off of a mate while she rooted happily for weeds under the water.

We've had a beautiful spring day today, 15C, bliss but we have 100% cloud cover forecast for the weekend and then when we do get the sun back we're threatened with sub zero temperatures, how to confuse nature eh?!

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