Bike ride

What happened to the weather today? We planned a bike ride but the weather was cloudy and cold. However undaunted we set off for a ride along the river from Farleigh to Aylsford. Not the prettiest route but it was good to get out and blow the cobwebs away and get some biking practice. We are planning some longer rides over the summer so need to get a bit fitter (and used to the saddle again).

We cycled past the Archbishops Palace (in the picture) and I vowed to google the background and history when I got home. Also on the list (when it’s allowed) is a visit to the Carriage Museum as we’ve lived in Maidstone for over 35 years and never visited!

Home by mid afternoon and the sun came out but an hour in the conservatory with a book was a better alternative than gardening and there’s always another day .......

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