WEEK 52: lost 1 stone 9lbs+
AIM: to keep 13 stone .....on the scale.

Can't believe it's changed at last, thought I was never going to break the 14 stone barrier. It really spurs you on when you move to a new number, but I know it's very close and I hope it doesn't slip back.

Although, a few months ago, I was hoping to loose 2 stone by now this time last year I wasn't even convinced I would do 1 stone......and I weighed 15stone 10 lbs just before I started this journal!

I was planning to stop this journal after a year but I've got a big birthday coming up so I'm going to head for 2 stone for then which will keep me comfortably under 14 stone.

thanks for your great support, it honestly has spurred me on to walk further or to say no to cake!

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