Guernsey and beyond

By Gsyguy

365 - One Year In Blipland

Me, in Brighton, in the rain, in a pub with a vino - sun guaranteed tomorrow.

Well, a little bit more, as I think I have missed around three blips.

Thanks to blipland, I have got to know some great people here - and would like to thank those who regularly view my journal making positive comments. It takes a fair amount of time to do this - and for this I thank you.

In the last year (I do not know where the time has gone !), I would like to think that my photography has improved and certainly the creativity you need to produce some good shots.

I would also like to thank my partner and blip helper Mr. M. for the lack of nagging; indeed, he is often there with me at weekends helping me find local Guernsey interesting blips. Getting out and about has helped me discover more of the gorgeous island we live in and also get a bit fitter by doing plenty of long walks during the week.

Apologies: For the next week, I am on holiday. Whilst I will be looking at your journals, I probably will not have time to make comments.

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