A Safe Pick Up At The Palace, Soho, London

I haven't really felt like posting due to all the problems going on at work. We've finally been told what's going to happen. It turns out that quite a few of our fellow work colleagues on the production side of things (colour editing and layout) are going to lose their jobs as their work is now going to be "offshored" to India. These are the self same people, along with us, who have worked through three lockdowns and help transform the "pivot" (the zeitgeist word of the moment) to the digital platform that has kept the company going and transformed the way sales are handled.
It's a totally shitty way of treating people but, because we are sub-contracted and not directly employed, this seems to be the model for treating your fellow workers. I'm appalled and angry on their behalf.
It doesn't end there, though. We are now going to having a tracking programme retro-fitted to our work software so they can spy on how much work we get done every day and, if we fall below a certain number of images, we may well have to explain ourselves. It will also lead to a massive increase in the admin we will need to do. I regard that as a betrayal - I work hard and always try to produce the best photographs I can. If you don't trust your own employees what hope is there for any kind of mutual relationship. I feel severely let down and undermined, but if they want figures and totals I'm going to bombard them with the stuff.
I now need to calm myself down - I've got tomorrow off and I'm bloody well going to enjoy it. Both of today's images were taken in Soho where I went at lunchtime to let off steam. At least it was a gloriously beautiful spring day to distract my brain from all the negative bollocks of the work situation. The extra is called "Stray Legs".

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