
By soozsnapz

An exciting day

I went 40 miles to Shaftesbury in Dorset to visit a friend who has rented a holiday place there. I hadn’t seen her for 9 months, and I hadn’t been so far from home for a really long time. We walked down the famous Gold Hill (main blip) which is used as a film set and also for adverts (famously a Hovis bread ad). It’s not actually as steep as a hill just round the corner from me (maybe I’ll show that tomorrow). 
The extras: I liked the entrance to Swans Yard - an upmarket shopping area - which looked pretty closed and empty, as did the whole of Shaftesbury.  The second extra is the terrace of the little wooden house where my friend is staying. It’s a bit quirky - you can see a simple wooden frame and a plastic roof - but also a copy of Michaelangelo’s David! And a nice view:)

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