Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Black dog or black sheep?

Another very grey, wet and foggy day. I took friends to the station fairly early for their weekend trip to France; forecast for more of the same there.

Practised being a good patient by resting on the bed, on and off, for most of the day. Did a bit of cross stitch, listened to Woman's Hour and the Afternoon Play. What's not to like about this? Well, yesterday's news has sunk in and Arth has been painful all day. Psychological or not?

Good things? Monty Don was back with Gardeners' World. I've been able to do some preparation for Monday's talk in Liddersdale.

Early night required. No blip - arghh - cup of tea or perhaps a slurp of beer? By the time I had things set up the head on the beer was rather flat. Whilst this might be a good reflection of my feelings, I decided to blip the bottle instead. Dark gold and delicious..............ahhhh. Night, night.

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