
By EdwardHealey

Mum's flower...

...but don't ask me what it is, I'm sure someone will know. 

It does very little for most of the year, and successive years at that, however once in a while it does this. It would have been rude not to document its efforts. 

Popped round to the parents' today and in the extra is dad relaxing with the local paper prior to Sunday lunch. After the colour overload of the flower photo I thought he'd look more atmospheric in B+W.

Talking of a B+W a few years ago I submitted every photo in May in monochrome (Mono May), as we're getting close I shall have another go this year I think as I need a bit of a focus, no pun intended, to my picture taking. As you'll no doubt realise because this is my first Blip for nearly two weeks.

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