Drenched daffodil in the dark...

So busy today - not even enough time for a walk! And it's been dull and dreary all day - the mist turning to mizzle and then to persistent rain. So what is a blipper to do? Go out in the garden after dark of course, and see what's around.

I think this little daffodil is February Gold - even though it's flowering in the wrong month this year. I've never known the daffodils to bloom so late. Normally we have quite a few flowering by mid-February, and about now they should be working up to a beautiful crescendo.

But this little clump, growing in the most sheltered spot on the patio, are the first and only ones. Snowdrops and crocuses are still the main source of monocotyledonous colour in the back garden - and probably will be for a while longer, if the weather forecast is to be believed.

But, at last, the frogs are moving back into the ponds, so spring can't be too far away....can it?

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