Big long walk Sunday

This morning we met our friend, Angela, for a big long walk. When Ann owned 'MollyCollie' she'd often meet Angela for a big long walk. They'd go for a long walk on a Sunday morning and then go for a big roast dinner once they'd finished their walk.

Obviously today we couldn't go for a big roast dinner, roll on 17th May but we still had a fabulous walk.

We walked all the way around Loe Bar (which is the biggest freshwater lake in Cornwall). It took us about two and a half hours and I had the bestest time ever.....................

…..............Until I decided to wallow in a muddy bog when we were almost back to the car park...............

….............Then I had to go back on my lead cos I was really muddy and Ann was worried I'd do my silly puppy 'jumping up' at people. 

However how good am I? When we got to the stream Ann said, 'Trixie, go get clean.' I dived into the stream, wallowed around for a bit and emerged like a perfectly clean pooch. Who needs the mobile pooch parlour?

We've had a fabulous day out. …....................And the sun just shines on and on and on in Cornwall.

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