Back in Business

There was no sun today but the view from the back door of the cherry trees in full splendour looked even more colourful.

Today being April 26th, we Scots were back in business. The non essential shops were open and more importantly for me, the gyms were open and also the cafés. Hallelujah! I was amongst the first to enter the gym when it opened at 6am and the first customer into Söderberg at 9am.

I was surprised how many people were keen to be in the gym before 7am and how many people didn’t know that Söderberg in the Square was opening at 9am not 10am as of last year.

Later, I felt like a very brave soldier when I visited a chiropodist for the second time in my life this afternoon. I hate having my feet touched ( heaven forbid having my toes sucked) and my last experience as a 10 year old having a verruca removed has left me with an abiding fear of going anywhere near a scalpel in the hands of a chiropodist. However, when not being able to find any shoes to accommodate a sore toe, then needs must. Bloody but unbowed and...........sorted.

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