Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Lockdown lifts a bit!

An auspicious day indeed! Non-essential shops are open, along with gyms and cafes and bars. After over four months of lockdown. Lots of very happy people!

Of course, after a couple of weeks of glorious sunshine, the sun suddenly disappeared, so good luck to all those folk sitting outside to have a pint with their pie and chips.

JR went off to the Commie Pool with Chrissy, a 20 minute brisk walk. They had a marvellous time, apparently, on the cross trainers and all the equipment like kids at Christmas time.

I walked to my session of BodyStreet. The nice young man was gentle with me for my first session back. Though I was pleased to hear that the woman before me made just as much noise as I do - gasping, complaining, moaning. But it’s good to be back to my routine again. 

I had a body scan first to check the damage of lockdown and inactivity. Funnily enough, I haven’t put on any weight (I knew that), but I lost about 1.6kg of muscle mass and it’s changed to ‘visceral fat’, whatever that is. Kate tried not to be too judgemental. 

Once back home and changed, we set off across the Meadows for our lunch date at Kauai. Boy, it was COLD. We’ve been looking forward to sitting in and having one of their superb wraps (though JR opted for a bowl) for ages. It was busy and bustling and noisy. Archie wasn’t exactly relaxed. I took half my wrap home for my tea. They are substantial.

I came home, while the others walked on a bit. Poor Archie - he then went shopping! (Actually, apparently he ‘enjoyed ‘it and had lots of compliments). JR could not resist it, knowing that her favourite street (George Street) was waiting for her. It seems that all the shops are dog friendly. JR enjoyed it so much, and saw so many bargains, that she’s going again tomorrow, dog-less. Mind you, I have to go too, as I have a jacket on order and can pick it up tomorrow.

At last it feels like life is returning to normal. 

I’m giving up on Line of Duty. I thought this was the end, but another series of stringing along the ridiculous ‘Who is H?’ is so tedious. It has definitely lost its way. Why did Kate go running off and careering around the streets in Steve’s car, when she had shot a known crim in self defence? Or did she? No comment.

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