Anniversary Trip

Today was our wedding anniversary. In the past we've been to Dockeys Wood in Asheridge to see the carpet of bluebells. So we went again today. Unfortunately we were a bit early. Maybe a week to 10days and they'll be out in force.. We decided to go to Asheridge Park from there. We drove 2 miles down the road and it was closed so 3 point turn and home. Very cold day again but warm in the sun. N and A came with us but the day ended up being a bit of a let down - not many bluebells and no coffee and cake.

I spoke to Janet Shreeve today and she will visit next week to do an assessment.

C very confused this pm said she was so pleased
to be able to bring home a new baby...

We had a few cards and some flowers from Mum, NandR and me of course..

Thanks for calling - stay safe



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