Chilly Tuesday

After such beautiful weather it's a bit of a shock to the system for it to feel cold again. 

Disappointed  that the skiy has remained overcast as I really wanted to photograph the Supermoon. No chance! 

It has actually rained after 29 dry days.. ( who said it always rains in England?) 
Came out of Tesco and everywhere was wet and the air smelt so fresh!  
The car should look a bit cleaner. I'm so glad I didnt take it to the car wash yesterday. 

The peiris , Flame of the Forest, is living ip to its name. The red leaves are glowing!. It is luminuous in this grey rainy light. Hard to reproduce on camera. 

Added to my collage of spring flowers. Taken this morning before the weather changed. 

I've just put the heating on. What is it they say.."Never cast a clout till May be out"

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