It’s not always about Cherry Blossom

Today I have relieved you of the necessity of looking at more cherry blossom. Instead I share with you a photo of the housewifery skills within me straining to get out.

Yes I do iron, but only duvet covers and occasionally the odd blouse. In fact it is the one chore that I actually like doing because it is mindless and I am able to escape into a little world of my own. I started early in life ironing hankies and other small items for my Mum back in the day when most things needed ironing. I progressed to the inevitable shirts as a married lady but my standards have slipped considerably since those halcyon days of youthful endeavour.

I had a very cold meeting with a friend sitting outside this morning because she has been shielding and has not yet had her second vaccination. The North east wind was cutting and I was frozen by the time I got home. We may have had the driest April for years but it must have been the coldest too. Although the sun has been warm the air has stayed cold.

A zoom call this afternoon with people whom I have become virtually friendly with over the last year but will be able to meet face to face in the near future. That will feel so strange.

So another day slips seamlessly away. Tomorrow I’m hitting the shops......

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