how long?

Humans evolved to pay more attention to bad things than good things because bad things endanger us. 

We had so much bad news, such very bad news, for such a long time, with no good news, that now, when we have good news, I don't know how to deal with it. 

I don't think it will happen,  but the President is going to make a push for paid family and sick leave for everyone. I cried on the inside. Paid sick leave is such a basic, decent thing. If we couldn't offer it before, if the idea of sick people preparing our food, or children suffering without their mother to care for them, wasn't enough, then surely the image of people with Covid going to work would be enough. 

How long before good news doesn't stun me? 

Oh, yesterday my county let me know they have a vaccine dose for me in a week. :-)
edit - I got my vaccine last week - I'm laughing (am I laughing?) because if I hadn't gotten annoyed and looked on the facebook group that helps people and driven to another county I'd have waited two more weeks

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