The theme is self-expression. Samuel chose to go to the cool neighbor who has happy hours in the driveway. We played. He identified a ball, claimed it, and chased it in the driveway with everyone tossing it for him. It is more than he has played in a year.
These are the man's daughter's hands. I saw all the bracelets and thought it was a good example of self-expression. I am so fortunate that people indulge me.
I'm sorry I was confusing yesterday. I got my first vaccine last week. AFTER I found and got my vaccine, the county finally let me know that at the end of next week there will be a dose. Really, I'm complaining about nothing because I am so fortunate to be able to get a vaccine, an effective vaccine, a vaccine now. I will have the second dose May 12 and be fully vaccinated by the end of next month. My wife's cousin in Canada can't get a vaccine and even her mother can't get her second one.
Happiness is largely based on what you choose as a frame of reference. I was getting frustrated because even my friend's kids were getting their vaccines and it felt like everyone else was smarter or cleverer.
The last six months have taught me that being patient is not a virtue. Ex. I was patient waiting for paperwork from the Dept of Motor Vehicles so I could give my car away - and it was lost, a victim to DeJoy, the postmaster who trashed the postal system.
I do think it is good to be patient when walking with a 13.5 year-old dog though, so I'll keep working on that. It is probably good to be patient when cooking or baking, but I don't do that.
I am thinking that the good times to be patient are usually times where it is good to be compassionate, so it isn't really patience, it is compassion. This can be for yourself or for others.
When change is needed, people will tell you to be patient. I am thinking that is a mistake. If change is urgently needed, there is no time for patience. If it is not urgently needed, people will delay it and it will never happen. So human-controlled change only happens when it is urgently needed and people have lost patience, and then it will always feel sudden.
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