Wandering through the woods.

Rain  not forecast till this afternoon . High tide so we drove down to Conishead Priory for a walk through the woods. 
Nice and quiet, just a few people.
The tide was high but still enough foreshore to stroll along.  Took our time. The sun tried hard to come out and it was reasonably warm.
I stopped at the spot I'd designated to take a photo throughout the year for one of my photo projects. 

We didnt stop for coffee as there was a bit of a queue and it's a  very basic system where you order at a window  but at least the loos were open! 

We did a detour on the way  back to call at Marks  to get  a posh box of chocs for our friends anniversary. We also got some food. Makes a change from Tesco,

Back home and I decided to have a play around with some overlapping. ( see above) 

We were out quite a while so Fletch was quite content with a short teatime walk. 

Ps. I couldnt get a photo of the moon last might ( again) because it was still hidden from view at bedtime by the houses opposite . M woke up again at 3:30 and again had a good  view He didnt wake me so I didn't see it! 
I'll stick to trees! 

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