Always Best

to let sleeping cats lie!  Charlie was right at the back of my next door neighbours' old broken shed this afternoon :)

It started out a beautiful day and I was over at the big B&Q (in Reading) for 8am this morning!  Glad I went early too - it was very busy when I came out :)

Came home, unloaded the car, had a coffee.  

I planted my first ever clemetis in its big pot against the back of the garden :)

Then I started sanding down the chair in my extra!  Halfway through my little project, rain stopped play :(  I'd rather sand outside...and anyway the electric 'mouse' sander isn't suitable to use in the rain.

And its got so cold all of a sudden, I put the heating on.

So the rest of the day I've been relaxing and starting to put some ideas together for the garden and some rooms in the house (I think its called a mood board - but I have no boards - the garden pictures and ideas are going in an A4 pretty hardback book; the other rooms are just cut out pictures and post it notes clipped together with paper clips - any ideas how to do mood boards please?)

Happy Saturday folks :)

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