Life In Wales

By KarenC

Audrey's Garden

A few weeks ago I ordered some furniture from Ikea as stocks were running low on certain things, but because we didn't have a completion date, I arranged to have it delivered to mum's today.  I thought I'd be able to change the delivery address, but we couldn't, so once we got the tracking information, we set off to mum's.  It's great being close enough to be able to do this, as it would never have been possible just to 'pop' over from Brighton.

The lady who owned our new house was called Audrey, same as my mum, and she sadly passed away last October.  Her two sons were selling the house and said they were leaving Audrey's garden bench and table in the garden - I'd noticed that there was a little sign on the bench that said 'Audrey's Garden', and as we didn't need the furniture I asked mum if she'd like it.  However, when we came back to view the house a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that the sign had been removed.  I then set about trying to find another one, which wasn't easy to find, although I had seen them at Leonardslee Gardens so made a 45 minute journey to get one.

So this morning we delivered the table and bench set when we went to collect the Ikea furniture, which we timed perfectly as the guys had just delivered it as we arrived.  We didn't stay at mum's for long as there's still so much to do, but it was lovely to see her, and as it's her birthday in two weeks' time, she's going to  come and stay for a few days. 

We then popped over to Rachel's to collect an office desk she's given me, plus some light fittings that she ordered from Next for us, and then headed back home.  Alan started building the furniture and I finished off emptying the boxes which are in the house - the garage is still full of boxes, but at least we can now get the furniture re-assembled and start feeling more organised.

I even made a roast dinner which we ate at a reasonable time, and then I went for a soak in the bath which was bliss - I've waited 7 years to have a bath (no cheeky comments please lol!) as we only had a shower in our last house.  You don't half miss a bath when you don't have one!  

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