Brave face.

"hi mama, I don't think I can call you tonight. It will make me too sad, I miss you so much. I love you soooo much xxxxx"

She then sent this little photo of her and Ted. Her little tears in the corner of her eye betraying the smile on her brave wee face. When she sent the photo, I asked her if Ted still goes every day. She said "yes, I need him". 

I heard from other sources that she did so well in her first orchestra rehearsal today that the conductor had the orchestra stop and give her a round of applause. 

A downside of her being in the junior school, we are discovering, is the fact that she isn't allowed a device with her through the day so when emails requiring urgent action arrive, she doesn't see them. Her head of department sent an email at lunchtime requiring them all to attend a performance class tonight. Katie isn't allowed anywhere without a chaperone and didn't know. They didn't come for her and she didn't know to ask to be taken.

But it sounds like she made a really good impression in orchestra, so I really hope it gave her a boost.

Thanks for all of your lovely support xxxx

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