
She did her usual doings in the morning, went for brunch (she managed to restrict herself to sausage, bacon and a hash brown) then Moll - and family- came! They are our childcare bubble, it's where Katie will spend exeats and would have been there if the school had not cancelled it, Katies termtime guardians, so she was able to have the big hugs that she's needed. Lisa said she was so happy and fizzy the entire time. She seemed to need to burn off a lot of energy but was so very happy.

They went for lunch. Katie was asked what she wanted on her pizza.... "meat". She told Lisa that mummy hasn't let her take too many sweets to school with her "so everyone else keeps sending me them". Including Lisa! But Lisa also turned up with a couple more books for Katie who is going through them at a rate of knots.

I learned last night that Katie now has to read to a member of staff every single day. She's never, ever done that. Not even in foundation. Even then it was one a week if best. She thinks it's rather amusing, I guess in a "how quaint" kind of  way...!

Anyways, after lunch they went to the ice cream van in front of the cathedral (Lolly for Katie, uncharacteristically), before going to the park. Katie was very excited to show everyone the way as even N hadn't been before but Katie has. She didn't notice the other peoply busy today. Her bubble put her in a bubble and she was just happy.

They took her back to the boarding house in time for her to get sorted and join NCO., though she managed to be late still. I spoke to her a couple of hours after and they had finished baking their 100 cupcakes ready to sell. She was crying when she called, panicked about her piano teacher, but was again willing to move on from it. She called J for a chat, who reported back that the pixie is in fact extremely happy and just giving mama a bum deal with all the bad stuff. The pixie loves her school, really loves her school. Just feels sad apart from her mama sometimes. But loves her school a lot. 

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