
By hannahstar

Shine Bright

Not a very good day....

So in History we got our mock results back, and I hadn't done very well (neither had anyone for that matter!) so the rest of the lesson was spent with the teacher saying how we all have to be more assertive and quick in our thinking and how the year 9s are better than us and all of this stuff which made me panic because it was all basically the opposite of what I am! Also, seeing as we got our January exam results yesterday and I didn't do very well in Biology either I generally felt very discouraged.
On top of all this, it rained all day and as I was leaving school I fell over because the path was slippery and muddy! Fortunately nobody was around to see ... and laugh!

The best part of the day was club. We went to Asda, bought loads of greedy snacks, came back to 153, and ate them! As well as laughing and talking a lot!

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