Two quiches

I wasn’t sure how today was going to go, as late  last night we had a burst pipe in the cupboard under the stairs, had to turn everything off, and had no water all night.
Luckily there was enough water left in the kettle to make a cup of tea first thing, so it wasn’t too bad, and Mr F went off to Brico Depot at 7am.
He bought plumbing stuff and replaced the pipe, so by the time I got back from walking Elvis everything was normal again.
I started deep cleaning the gîte today. I’ve decided to do one room a day until it’s done, as cleaning isn’t up there on my favourite jobs list. I’d rather be pulling out weeds any day, but I might not do tomorrow as I have other plans!
It rained all afternoon, so I made these quiches. The big one, the leek quiche is to take to a birthday party tomorrow, and the asparagus quiche is for our tea tonight.

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