Yeah the sun shone and it was quite warm, what a lovely day.

I met up, at long last, with CumbriaLass and Fletch today at Abbey House Hotel.   There was a lot of traffic on the road so I was a little late for me, but not much.  I was greeted by Fletch barking joyously at seeing me again - yeah!!!  

We walked around the woods, down to the Furness Abbey and around the woods there, see the two collages I have put in extras for some of what we saw en-route.

It was a lovely walk, great to have a good chat, take some photos and see them both again.  Fletch had a couple of good rolls in the grass but sadly as soon I set the camera up he stopped!!!

We were so blessed with the weather, especially as it's not been so great for a little while, especially Monday.  A few people around but not overly busy and we were the only ones in the woods.

We returned to the Hotel to have a lunch in their open air conservatory at the back of the hotel.  It's one where they take the doors off and open up the roof so perfect for today.  It did feel a bit odd again sitting their with lots of  other people dining but lovely as well.  Everyone was very good and wore masks when they had too and stayed socially distanced.

A very nice lunch, just a sandwich and Rose Lemonade but very lovely, nicely presented and served and very reasonably priced too.  I would go back there again as I feel safe there.  

The journey home was much quicker as a lot less traffic AND there is snow on the Lake District Fells - unfortunately I couldn't stop to take any photos but it was a beautiful sight in the sunshine.

Such a lovely day, so hope we can have many more.  Many thanks K and Fletch it was soooo good to see you both again.

This is also my entry for Wide Wednesday with a them of Close.  Well I was pretty close to K when taking this but wanted the wider shot of her and Fletch walking through the woodland but K is quite close so I hope that counts.  Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

Do take care everyone, stay safe and see  you all tomorrow.

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