It’s funny how, when you realise it’s a certain date, your memory springs into action. Today is such a day for me. I remember that on the 6th May 1960 we were taken for a School outing to Liddington Hill, which is not that far from Swindon.
I can’t remember many details about the trip, but it was probably history related because Liddington Hill is a late Bronze Age and early Iron Age hill fort, being part of The Ridgeway and is the highest point around at 277 metres or 908 feet, as we would have said in those days. Our history teacher, Miss Almond, affectionately known as “Nutty” could even have been with us, but I can’t remember back that far.
Anyway, the reason for the outing was that it was the day Princess Margaret, the younger daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth and the only sibling of our present Queen, Elizabeth II, married Antony Armstrong Jones. It was also the day that I slipped whilst playing rounders, and damaged my hamstring tendon, thus starting many years of surgery on my left knee, which continues to give me angst to this day, although I try not to let it limit me too much, because life has to go on.
Enough of that, because here is my 26th abstract in my 100 Abstracts Challenge to raise awareness of the Mamie Martin Fund which provides secondary education for young women and girls in North Malawi. I wonder if you can guess what it is today? A clue is that I have rather overdone it with the eye makeup! However, it was great fun taking the shot and then fartnarkling with it in several apps - I do find that using the Curves in an app can change the colour quite a lot and make it more abstract, which of course is the brief for the challenge.
Because this challenge is going to take a while, I decided that it might be a good idea to open a JustGiving page, so that anyone who felt like making a donation, however small, could do so. I have been telling you about the Mamie Martin Fund since I started on 7th April, so even if you feel you can’t do 100 of anything, you might like to sponsor me, although that was not the primary reason for starting this challenge. Mr. HCB and I are happy to support the Fund, but it would be great to raise some money for this small charity, and you can find out more about donating by clicking on this Link.
“We can do no great things,
only small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa
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