Day 409 The rule breaker

It looked as though today's offering was going to be yet another wood pigeon, but early this evening this fox came to see us.  Initially he was much nearer to the house but I didn't get a shot of that because The Son decided to go out of the back door which of course made foxy retreat further up the garden.  While he was out there he seemed to be irritating a magpie a great deal: the magpie kept screeching at him and even approached as if to peck at his tail.  needless to say I didn't manage to capture that very interesting interaction either but in extras I've put a rather poor quality shot in which you can see a glimpse of the magpie just behind the fox.
In other news:  I went to see the lovely S, my physio today, for the first of my post op sessions.  She made me do the exercises that I don't like doing as well as the ones I do like,  so this evening I am feeling just a little sore but very virtuous!

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